E13: The LAST word about sales funnels for promotion (honest!)

Episode 13- This is Grant: The Webinar Guy.
We’re staying with marketing and promotion: For several episodes now, I’ve been talking about Sales Funnels. So we’re gonna close this up and move on today.

Let’s be frank, there’s ton of work to create effective sales funnels. We’ve been working on ours at The WebinarGuy.com for several weeks now, in between other things.

How best to create yours? As with everything, there’s a million choices. But to concentrate on one or two sources, take a look at Don Miller’s “Marketing Made Simple”. The lessons are simple and easy to follow. It will help you move through understanding the psychology of the process and what it’s designed to do. He’s also got some good video on YouTube.
The other reference to this material is Jason Fladlien who I’ve mentioned before. In addition to YouTube, look for his book “one to many”. Good stuff.
I mentioned in episode 11 the epiphany I had was this:
1) I realized that if someone was on my website, or a given web page, and they were there for more than 10-15 seconds, they were probably interested in my offering. Web stats across the world say you get less than that for a visitor to decide to stay or bolt.
2) Then the question hit me: if they appear that interested, why not ask to start a relationship?
Since then I’ve talked to many clients and potential clients about sales funnels. The most consistent answer?

“Oh, I don’t want to be pushy”.
Fine. And how is being passive working for you right now?
I’m going to be really selfish for a minute here. If you’re a small business owner, you are my target client. I want you to be in business next year to keep buying from me! I love long-term relationships!!
To me, it’s like the dating scene. I’m going to (Fill in your favorite spot) and sit facing the wall and hope some potential partner stops to start a relationship with me. Yeah, sounds dumb, huh?
Why not stand up, face the crowd, and when that lady smiles at me, walk over and say hi! no need to be belligerent, just say Hi.
That’s what a sales funnel does. A potential client is on your site and still reading and interacting with “you” forty seconds later. Why not say Hi and ask to start a relationship?
Okay enough with the funnels, Grant! I GET IT!! Do you really? Promise me you’ll stop being passive about your business! If I have your word on this I need you to do two things, if you would.
1- I need you to go to TheWebinarGuy.com and drop me an email from the contact forms there. Tell me you’re changing your ways!
2- Will I answer? you bet! I WANT to start a relationship with you!! I want to help you have AWESOME webinars! I want to sell for you. Tell for you. I want your business to grow beyond your wildest dreams!!! And I want our team to be part of that!
3- Start now to find out how to build your own sales funnels on your website. You promised to stop being passive! IF you need help from the Webinar Team, let me know. But please, find the resources and start. now.

I promise no more about sales funnels. Probably. Maybe.
Okay, so let’s say we’re now fully funneled as it were. Great! What’s next?
Well, more planning for your webinar. Next episode I’ll tackle more off our Webinar Planning form available on TheWebinarGuy.com
Until then…

This series is for smaller organizations and soloprenuers that may not be tech savvy, don’t know all the steps, or don’t WANT to know all the steps.
Over the series, I’m going to lead you through the significant decisions and capabilities you’ll need to “Zoom to Webinar Success!”
As always, if you need help now, don’t hesitate to reach out at WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com
Thank you for watching!
Podcast audio

Sales funnels. Think about it. More next week!

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