E09: Using Sales Funnels

Episode 9- Invites and managing Filling the seats Part 3 (also known as marketing/promotion!)

In E8 we got this going- I talked about The possibility of cancellations, and/or having to cancel an event

Today’s episode- number 9-
A VERY Cool “Almost announcement” at the end!! Stay around!
Let’s talk today about sales funnels.

You know the ones. When you land on a page, there’s either an offer there (give us your email), or one will pop up when you go to leave the page.
I used to equate these with swarmy used car salesmen. But then I realized several things (Stay with me on this).
1- You had to have driven enough interest in your offer to get people to your site, or they’d not be seeing your offer!
2- WHY ARE YOU here?? I’ve not had one single potential client come to me and say, “Hey I want to give away everything I know, pay you to manage the event and not expect ANYTHING in return!”
3- No body. I DO have (and its a majority of clients) that DO offer an initial free webinar, but it’s always to the goal of a paid something.
4- Nobody had to cooperate with a funnel page. Click on!
5- If your “free” funnel page has a legit offer- something you ARE giving away to collect an email address, What’s wrong with a fair exchange? It’s not like we don’t know!
6- Finally, there’s NOTHING to stop someone from putting in an email, getting your offer and unsubscribing! (I may have done that. Once).

That’s the chance we take with a sales funnel. But there are businesses making serious money, I’m talking LOTs of zeros– selling through sales funnels!
We’ll come back to this in episode 11!

But Grant, what about episode 10 next week?
Well, next week, in episode 10 I’m going to interview one of CNN’s top 75 keynote speakers, and the entrepreneur behind the “Hospitality Today” video production/podcast series that discusses tough subjects affecting the hospitality industry, her experiences and helping me introduce a new website and service called… oh you gotta come back!
I’m so excited to have you meet Deborah Gardner, Certified Speaking Professional and hear about all that she’s got going on!
I’d love to hear your questions and comments!

This series is for smaller organizations and soloprenuers that may not be tech savvy, don’t know all the steps, or don’t WANT to know all the steps.
Over the series, I’m going to lead you through the significant decisions and capabilities you’ll need to “Zoom to Webinar Success!”
As always, if you need help now, don’t hesitate to reach out at TheWebinarGuy.com
Thank you for listening!

Can we help you create & produce an awesome webinar or event?

Editor’s Note: This was originally posted as a “Grants Voice” post before we split the brands.

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