Episode 12- We’re staying with marketing and promotion: looking more at Sales Funnels— and confidence.
First thing here is that this is the first “Official” Posting for “The Webinar Guy”. Last week was kind of a cross-over.
Another first is this will be shorter, and I plan for them all, when possible, to come in under 10 minutes. I’m also going to start posting the audio only as a podcast.
So if you have any suggestions for content, I’d love to hear your input!
Back at it!
In E11 I talked more about sales funnels and being more aggressive in my approach to sales.
Webinar marketer Jason Fladlien said, “You can let somebody that’s not that good handle that client, (abuse, waste their resources, etc) or YOU can take an active role and serve them.”
What’s the point? It always kinda ticks me off when I see someone else get work that I know I can do better. I’m competitive like that. Is that a bit of arrogance slipping in? Yeah. It is.
And that’s another thing I’m letting go of. I know that my personality can be kinda strong. I get that there are many people that don’t get my vibe. At this point in life, I’m okay with that.
And ya know, you get to a certain point where you realize that, there are a LOT of people that like me as I am.
There are may things in life that I’m really okay doing. Alright, I can do it, but I’m NOT really good at it. More and more, I’m learning to stop trying to do that stuff. Let go of it and hire someone that can nail it!
But there are many things that I think- Sorry, that I know I’m one of the best at. And a few of those things are:
· Figuring out technology,
· Being in front of a camera and
· Hosting events. I’ve done more than a thousand I’m sure!
So when I step up to the camera here and tell you that I’m among the best you can hire, there’s a confidence I bring that not only believes that, but my testimonials bare that out! And two things my clients tell me is that bare weight in this argument:
1) They hire that confidence as it gives them peace and helps them relax knowing “I got this”.
2) They know that confidence spills over to THEIR customers.
And that my friends is not arrogance, its facts. I’m inviting you to stand on your confidence!
I may have gotten off track of the sales funnel thing, but this really resonated with me.
Think about your gifts. The stuff that you are AWESOME at. Are you standing on that truth? I encourage you to!!
Now go and be your bad self and serve the world in the way that YOU do it best!
This series is for smaller organizations and soloprenuers that may not be tech savvy, don’t know all the steps, or don’t WANT to know all the steps.
Over the series, I’m going to lead you through the significant decisions and capabilities you’ll need to “Zoom to Webinar Success!”
As always, if you need help now, don’t hesitate to reach out at WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com
Thank you for watching!
Podcast audio
Sales funnels. Think about it. More next week!
Would love to hear your questions and comments!