E11: More on sales funnels for promotion

Episode 11- staying with marketing and promotion: looking more at Sales Funnels

In E10 I had the honor to interview my good friend Deborah Gardner. Deborah is a very accomplished professional and the interview is worth a watch in my unbiased opinion!
And I introduced TheWebinarGuy website, which as of this recording is about 72.3% complete. Take a look! For a while I’ll be posting these videos here and on TheWebinarGuy.com to help establish the brand. If your company or someone you know is planning a webinar or event, I’d appreciate the referral!! Thanks for your support!

Before that, in episode 9, we started talking about sales funnels. To recap, you know after a period of time on a website, or when you go to leave, an offer pops up. It’s one last attempt at a relationship.

In today’s episode- number 11-
I’m going to work more with the sales funnel concept.
For most of my “on the web” career and having built more than 100 websites over the years, they’ve ALWAYS been passive. And for sites where I do business? The same! Why?
I don’t want to offend anyone that visits with an “in your face” sales offer.
Then several things happened.
1) I realized I want to build a large business.
2) I realized that if someone was on my website, or a given web page, and they were there for more than 10-15 seconds, they were probably interested in my offering. Web stats across the world say you get less than that for a visitor to decide to stay or bolt.
3) Then the question hit me: if they appear that interested, why not ask to start a relationship?
4) And related to that, Was I really going to “offend” someone that “Mattered” to my business?
It seems our world is now full of “offended” people. I may even offend someone by saying that.
But I realized having a “pleasant” website, with a “nice” picture and a “polite” presentation wasn’t getting me the sales I want to have.
Did people buy? Well yeah, but I’m betting they were already intending to buy due to the nature of my previous contact with them.
To build a larger business, I needed to reach outside my comfort zone. I needed to start asking for the sale! I want visitors to KNOW that I’m ready to do business (NOT passively)!
But here’s where a funnel can work for us. While a funnel/pop up CAN be used to “sell”, when done right, you’re inviting a visitor to start a relationship with you. You’ll offer your new friend something of value to download, and by submitting the form, they’ve agreed to continue the conversation- connect again.
Back to what I said earlier, “Was I really going to “offend” someone that “Mattered” to my business?” I don’t think so. I want you to know your relationship with my company matters and that I want to do business with you. If that offends you, You might not be my customer. I’m willing to take that chance.

Sales funnels. Think about it. More next week!

Would love to hear your questions and comments!

Next episode: Part 2 of reaching/promoting.

This series is for smaller organizations and soloprenuers that may not be tech savvy, don’t know all the steps, or don’t WANT to know all the steps.
Over the series, I’m going to lead you through the significant decisions and capabilities you’ll need to “Zoom to Webinar Success!”
As always, if you need help now, don’t hesitate to reach out at WebinarPro@TheWebinarGuy.com
Thank you for watching!

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See other episodes at: GrantsVoice.com

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