E05: Your First Webinar (Strategy)!

Episode 5- Strategy

In E4 we discussed defining the purpose, goals or objectives. Hopefully you have now defined WHY you’re having your webinar, or better- WHAT you want to accomplish.

Today’s episode- number 5- we’re going to strategize a bit.
Think about the learning by firehose memes you’ve seen. We all GET the metaphor. So defining what you wanted to accomplish should inform how to go about your inaugural webinar. In other words, we don’t want to firehose your audience! We want to break it down.

Lets assume several things for the sake of this episode.
Assumption 1) You have hundreds (or more) followers on various social media platforms- And/or hundreds of legit email contacts (And for “legit”, we’ll discuss that on a later episode).

Assumption 2) they like your content that you’ve been dribbling out piecemeal. This isn’t a slam on that approach, it’s how we build audience and will be used to make a point in a moment.

Assumption 3) You’ve decided to sell a coaching package. How THAT is delivered will be another episode!
So to reiterate, you’ve got an audience that to some degree is ASKING for a webinar, and your end goal is to sell coaching. Your goal might be different, say sell a course, a book, a PAID webinar or other goal, but this should help move us forward.
The obvious point here is to use THIS first webinar to whet their appetite, not sate it. As PT Barnum might have said, “Always leave them wanting more!” This is where piecemeal comes back in. We don’t want to dump, we want to tease a bit and feed.
Use this webinar to set the stage and bring your audience all to the same place. What do I mean? Remember that some of your early audience joined you at the preface of your “story”, some joined on chapter 6, and some joined last week and have been binge reading. Start with the basics:
1) where did you from (history relatable to the story)?
2) what got you into the situation you solve?
3) what was your breaking point that helped you decide to fix it?
4) how did you test your hypothesis?
5) who else found the solution valuable (do you have testimonials you can use?)

These first five help all your audience to know you better.
Now think…
1) do you have a free ??? to give away that starts helping without someone having to buy your coaching package?
2) Remember our assumption that our goal is selling coaching; have you priced your coaching according to your value and the benefit to the buyer?

There’s likely there more to decide, but even that is a lot of information to assemble and put into an initial package!
From my experience as a professional presenter, corporate trainer and webinar moderator, I can tell you to plan your webinars, especially this first one, to come in under 30 minutes.
If you can do all the above in a really short time period (Less than 15 minutes?) you need more proof of concept and MEAT for your audience. It will seem hurried, rushed or like, “where’s the value”?
More than 30 minutes and you’d better be an AMAZING presenter. I notice that my clients often start to lose audience (remember we’re talking virtual!!) after 20 minutes and REALLY drops at 30 minutes. (There’s MANY reasons for this including, “my lunch is over)!
Therefore I try to encourage (especially initial) webinars between the 20 and 30 minute mark is good. Remember we have to open the webinar with talking and close it with an offer and that takes time too and needs to be considered in the above- as well as time for a short Q&A.
Several issues control this;
1) How interesting you are.
2) How valuable your content is.
3) How interesting the content is
a. revealing? stunning? etc.
4) Date/time of day held

The goal here is to get people to the webinar, establish you and your credentials to “prove” your value/worth, then offer the next step.
This is when we create a limited offer like taking the next/first 10 people into your coaching program.
AND offer the free downloadable PDF that people can start with on their own.
There are MANY strategies and tactics, so this is only one.
Hopefully you know see how we’re moving people along.
Free webinar, There MUST be value, not just sales.
Another offer for a free thing (PDF)
Offer to enroll in the coaching program (First 10 save $15%?)
Would love to hear your questions and comments!

This series is for smaller organizations and soloprenuers that may not be tech savvy, don’t know all the steps, or don’t WANT to know all the steps.
Over the series, I’m going to lead you through the significant decisions and capabilities you’ll need to “Zoom to Webinar Success!”
As always, if you need help now, don’t hesitate to reach out at VoicePro@grantsvoice.com
Thank you for listening!

Can we help you create & produce an awesome webinar or event?

Editor’s Note: This was originally posted as a “Grants Voice” post before we split the brands.

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